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Best Grilled Cheese for Grownups. Effy’s Café, 1638 Third Ave. (between. 91 and 92 St.) 212-427-8900. Our favorite is the munster, sun dried tomato, olive, and basil rendition. You may also want to try the feta, grilled veggies, olives and oregano or any of the other five grilled cheese offerings. Effy’s Mediterranean dishes are popular and the muffins are excellent too.

Best toy store for boys. Jan’s Hobby Shop, 1435 Lexington Ave. (between 93 and 94 St.) 212-987-4765 or 861-5075. Open 7 days. Call for hours. If your son loves military airplanes, tanks and air craft carriers, as well as models, this is the place for you.



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For dog owners: This is where most New Yorkers report ordering their dog supplies.